Letter No. 1 | Thursday January 21, 1943

Fort McPhearson
Atlanta, GA

Thursday January 21, 1943

Dearest Mother & Daddy,

We got here last night about 6 o’clock. We ate supper in town, and they brought us out here to camp in a big city bus.

Everything is awfully crowded here. You line up in lines and work your way along. We have taken another physical, three tests, each had 150 questions, and got our uniforms. My uniform fits like a glove. I am pretty lucky, because they just throw them on us.

I have been separated from all the Scottsboro boys except Thomas Freeman. I think that some of us will get back together tomorrow though.

Everyone is awfully nice to you here. We have seen but 2 or 3 commissioned officers since we have been here. We cut up a lot and so far it has just been a lot of fun.

Boy! Do they feed you? You eat out of a tin platter about 2 feet long, and it is completely filled with food. We had liver, potatoes, kraut and some more vegetables.

We will be here from four to eight days and sometimes longer. Don’t write to me until I am moved unless it is absolutely necessary.

If you do write I probably wouldn’t get it unless they thought it was important. If you have to though write to my name and serial number, Co B409 Fort McPherson, Atlanta, Ga.

I am at on of the centers now and a lot of people are playing games, others are listening to a boy play the piano, and several are writing letters. It is so noisy I can hardly think, so I doubt if you can read this.

It is almost nine, and lights go off then, so I better get back to my bunk.

Lots & lots of love,