Letter No. 111 | Tuesday April 10, 1945

Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sqdn,
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama

April 10, 1945

Dearest Mother, Daddy, and Anna Ruth,

Well, here I am beating out another letter for you from merry old France. There have been some changes made here. We have been having real nice weather lately, and we really took it in this afternoon. After work, we hurried up, and ate chow, rushed out, picked up the soccer ball and went up to the diamond and played some catch. It was good to get out and get a little of the early afternoon sun, and work up a little sweat. 

Really did make me feel sad to hear about Bill. It is one of those things that is just unbelievable. This is one of those subjects that I just don't know how to express myself on. Bill and I have always been so close together that makes it hard for me to even think about. I only hope that it was a mistake, and that could be possible you know. There is a boy in this very camp with me that was reported killed in action, and of course it is all a mistake. That would be the nicest news that I could possibly hear now. The night that I received the letter from you telling me about the sad news, I had just finished writing a letter to Aunt Ruth. Just before going to bed about 12:00, I dropped down the the mail room, and there was the letter. Of course I couldn't mail the one that I had written then, but do intend to write to them very soon. Give them my sympathy, and best regards, and tell them that I am going to write right away. I am glad that Erskine has finished his missions, and is getting to come home. War is bad, and has a lot of sorrows in it. It is hard to understand sometimes. It is so foolish, and only to think that the start of them come from a few people that think they can rule the world in such a way that life would not be worth living for anyone. The price is high to stop these insane people, and Bill has paid the highest price possible. He should never be forgotten.

I had a visitor last night. One of the officers from my old outfit was up here to the Hq, and one of my old buddies drove him up. One thing about being at a place like this, you sure do bump into a lot of people that you know. He is coming back sometime this week, and maybe one or two of the other fellows will come along with him.

How has your mail been coming? Your V-Mail and Air Mail letters have been coming at about the same rate. In fact, I think the Air Mail has been coming a little sooner than the others. I think that I will start writing Air Mail to you again, but this was handy tonight, so I just used it this time.

Now to get out a little work, and then to bed early for a change.

All my love,