Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sq (Signal Section)
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Mrs. L. H. Dicus
Box 175
Scottsboro, Alabama
May 13, 1945
Dearest Mother,
This is mother's day, and I want you to know that I am thinking of you, and hope you are feeling fine, and that everything is alright there. This is one day out of the year that is especially for you mother, but I don't want it to be that way. With you, every day of the year is your day, and I don't want anything but happiness to come into it. This makes the second mother's day that I have been away, and I sure hope it will be the last one. I would be very proud if I could be back there now, and could wear a red rose, and go to church with you. I have the finest mother in the world, and I sure am proud of you. Will you be sure to give me a date this time next year, and we will make up for the ones that we missed this year. We all have a lot to be thankful for, and there is no reason for us to complain, but it sure will be nice when we can all be together once again, won't it?
This is a beautiful day here, and I hope it is just as nice there. The sun is shining, and there is a small breeze that just makes everything nice. Tis would be an ideal day for the family to go on a little picnic all of our own if I were back there, and we could all be together. Then we would take a nice long drive, and see what was going on. Yes, there are a lot of things we are going to have to do, and places to go when I get back. You decide what you want to do first, and we sure will have some fun when I get back, and I hope it won't be too long.
I have written a letter to the family, but I wanted to write a note to you, and tell you that I am thinking of you, and hope the very very best for you.
Take care of yourself, and don't forget to write me every chance you get. I always enjoy getting your letters and am disappointed when they are too far in between.
My love always,