Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sq (Signal Section)
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama
May 29, 1945 [NOTE: This has to be the wrong date. The letter only said May 29. "1945" written in ink on the envelope. I suppose our grandmother wrote the wrong year on there. So, this one appears to be out of order,but it's getting posted here since that's the date that is on there.]
Dearest Mother and Daddy,
This has been the hottest day yet. We have had pretty nice weather up to now, but everyone seems to think that this is a typical Alabama day. I assured them that I live in the garden spot of the world, where the weather is always nice. I do have an idea that it is pretty warm there right now isn't it? Weather here is pretty peculiar, so what like home, changes very fast. More than likely, it will be cool tomorrow.
I am sure that you enjoyed Anna Ruth and the baby being home. It was nice for them to stay as long as they did and have a nice visit while they were there. Be sure and send some of the pictures you, you took, to me.
We have been going out after duty hours most every afternoon and playing ball. We had a little game this afternoon, and beat the other them by a hair.
I haven't seen any of the boys from home yet. About the only passes I have taken have been to the smaller towns around here. I still plan to go to London sometime soon though.
Why do you think we are moving out of here? Forget it, because there is no reason to worry about me. I am getting along fine. Getting good food, in fact, the food is just about the same that we got back in the States. I am working in the office and weigh more than I every have before.
Still haven't gotten a package. It should be here most any time though. It usually takes about a month for them to get here. In fact, I haven't gotten any of them as yet, so have something to look forward to.
You ask me if there was a radio around here. Right now we don't have one, but one of the boys in my tent is getting one by parts. He has about half of it already, and we are now waiting for the rest of it. It was too heavy to send all together.
You keep asking me if there is anything you can send me. I have several packages on the way now. Let them get here first please. Really though there is not much that you could send that I could use. I have more stuff than I can carry around. I will let you know if there is anything though.
Take care of yourself, and be sure and let me know if anything should go wrong.
Love always,