Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sq (Signal Section)
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama
V-Mail Service
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
July 13, 1945
Dearest Folks,
This is the day that you want to watch what you are doing. It has gone OK so far, so there must not be much to this Friday 13 stuff.
Seems as though every time I think that I have got all of the detail work caught up with, they come along with something else. I was the assistant to the staff duty officer of the post last night. There was nothing to do, so we sat there and talked until about 2:00. He is a Major and has been all through the Middle East since he has been in the Army.
I am very glad that you can spend as much time with Anna Ruth as you have been lately. How do you like Chattanooga Mother? How much longer do you think you will be working there Pop. I guess it must be a nice place to work.
As far as I know, I will be over here for a long time to come yet. I will probably be with this headquarters for a long time yet, and if and when it does, I will have a chance to go to work with a Capt. He is going to be the American Liaison Officer for the French Air Force for radar equipment, I think. He would be the only officer there, and he is a swell guy. He would really have it made if we made it. There would not be very much work to it, and we would have a chance to travel around a lot. We would go to England a lot, and around over Germany, and France. I think he is going to try to take M/Sgt. Parkhill and me with him if he goes. As things stand now, I don't think that I will get to the Pacific. That means that I won't be home for some time yet, but I guess it will be just as good. When I do get home, I will probably be there to stay, and I guess that will be better in the long run.
It has been very warm here lately. I went down and took a shower at noon today, and feel a lot cooler, and refreshed now.
Can Martha talk good now? You never did send me the new picture that you promised some time ago. I guess she must be getting to be a big girl now.
It is almost one o'clock now, so I had better go to work. A lot of work came in this morning, and Phil is sick, so it has really got Joe and me busy. We try to get the work all out, because he doesn't like the idea of coming back at night if we can get it out in the day time.
Be good and write soon.
Love always,