Letter No. 9 | Sunday February 28, 1943

798th T.S.S. BKS. 1555
Seymour Johnson Field
(Goldsboro,) North Carolina

Sunday February 28, 1943 (postmarked March 1)

Dearest Mother, Daddy and Anna Ruth,

I am now in the South again, and I am not a bit sorry. I was on guard duty yesterday morning about 7 o’clock, and they sent me relief and told me to go get ready for my physical for shipment. We got back to the hotel about 11 and had to be ready to go at 12. We had to eat, pack, change part of our clothing, and do a lot more things. We finally pulled out. We got here about 7 o’clock this morning at Seymour Johnson Field. It is in N.C., but I don’t know where. It is way out in the sticks, and we have temporary barracks. You can see the ground between them, but it is very good. There are two big stoves in it, and the weather is very nice.

I don’t think we will stay here but a few days. All of the boys are clerks that came, and there is no school here except a mock school. They had a bunch of men coming in at Atlantic City and no place to put them. I am really glad to get away even though I am not stationed yet. I did not know many of the boys that came along, but I think I will like them alright.

I don’t think they know themselves what we are going to do, but the captain told us this morning that he would see to it that we had good food and some recreation.

I feel fine, and will write more when I find out what we are here for, and all about it.

Lots of love,