Pfc. George Dicus
865th Chem. Co. - AO
BTC #8
Fresno, Calif.
Friday July 23, 1943
Dearest Mother and Daddy,
I am in charge of quarters for a little time tonight, so I will start a letter, but may not get to finish it.
I haven't heard from you in several days. Maybe it is as hot there as it is here. If it is, that is good enough excuse the sun really bears down here now. We went swimming the other day, and I got myself a good sunburn. It is peeling off now, and is not sore anymore.
I had my last checkup at the hospital today. They think I am alright now, and I am really glad. It is no fun to run back and forth over there.
How do the Parks boys like the army now? Send me their addresses when you get a chance.
I got a letter from Anna Ruth, and she said she had sent several letters to the Gen. Hosp., and they have started to come back now. I am glad I was not there to get them anyway.
I am going to chem. school now. We have the classes around here in tents. We also take a few hikes. In fact, we have a 10 mile hike scheduled for tomorrow. They are not bad now though. It only takes about two and a half hours to make the trip. We are going on biovac in about two weeks, and we will walk back to camp. It is about 85 miles out to the area. It won't be so tough, because we will have three days to make the trip. One company came in today from the trip and the band came out to escort them in. I will personally be glad when we go out. It is something like camping out.
I weight last night, and I weighted more than I ever have before in my life. I weigh 169 lbs. I am not surprised , because I really do eat now. The food is exceptionally good here.
Fresno is a very nice town. I went in the other night, and went to a USO dance. There were several cute girls there, and I had a very nice time.
This letter seems to be short, but remember that you can get a lot more on one page when it is typed. I want you to write me a long letter and tell me what you all are doing.
Don't look for mistakes in my typing, because if I was doing some kind of work I would take more time.
Lots of love,
P.S. Tell me the difference in Air Mail & Free Mail [Note: he probably wants to know how fast each type of mails gets from him to Alabama and which is the fastest]