Pfc. George Dicus
865th Chem. Co. - AO
BTC #8
Fresno, Calif.
Wednesday July 14, 1943
I guess you think I am lost, but really I am fine, and am sorry I have not written. I have been getting up every morning at 3:30, and riding out 28 miles to build a rifle range. We got through yesterday and I was pretty glad. It is almost too hot to use a pick and shove here. I am to start work in the office in the morning. I don't know how long I will be there, because I think I am going to Chemical Warfare school soon.
The heading on this letter is not for us. There is a BTC center here, and that is our heading now, but it will be changed soon. So far, we are not doing any drilling.
I went to Fresno for two hrs. the other night. The people are very nice there, and I like it much better than Reno.
I got 4 letters from you day before yesterday that had been sent to Reno. I can't write every day, and there is no use saying that I will. I am going to write pretty often though. When we do get off duty we are so hot that we have to stay in the shower about 30 minutes to cool off, and after we get dressed and go down and get a cold drink it is time to come back and go to bed. The nights are very cool, and is nice sleeping anyway.
We may not be here very long, and I still have hopes to get down South somewhere. I only hope now that it won't take too long.
Mother, the food is good. I feel fine, I am happy, and everything is O.K. Don't worry about me for there is no use.
I think I will get home about the last of Aug., but probably will be in Sept.
There is no news, so I will write more later.
Love always,
P.S. Send me the Parks boys addresses.