[Letter from George's sister, Anna Ruth Dicus Campbell]
14 Tuxedo Pl.
Morristown, N.J.
Monday Night
August 23, 1943
Dearest Mother and Daddy,
I've wanted to write you all day but didn't have stationery or a fountain pen until Paul came tonight. I had my bag packed, but since I came sooner than I had expected, I hadn't put in writing paper.
I feel just fine. I'm at All Soul's Hospital – Catholic and very good. The priest came around this morning just to say "Good Morning and how are you," and the nun comes once a day, and that's all the Catholic influence I see. The nurses are regular. The food is awfully good, and the hospital is full.
Martha Elizabeth was born at 11:24 A.M. Sat. morning. I came down Friday night at about 10. She's the cutest thing – 8 lbs. 5 ounces, red hair, and quite plump. I was so glad she wasn't all red and wrinkled! All the nurses rave on about what a beautiful baby she is. She has blue eyes, which may change of course, and looks quite like Paul except for the red hair and nice flat ears!!! They only let the fathers see them on the first day and then through a glass, to Paul's disgust.
They're awfully crowded here and have me in the room with another woman. She has a little boy born a few hours before mine. I'm glad she's here for she feels good and talks and laughs and keeps me company.
I have had some awfully pretty flowers from Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Washington, and Mr. Coover. The announcement just came out in the paper last night, of course.
What did the boys think about the baby? Dottie [Anna Ruth's step-daughter] is tickled to death, but they don't allow children in the hospital, so I haven't seen her.
About Mrs. Poe – Paul and I talked it over last night and decided that it might have possibilities. You might feel her out and tell her that we would be willing to give her room and board and $30 per mo. if she wants to come. You explain to her that regular maids here are getting twice that, but she wouldn't come on that footing, for the children help and she wouldn't have much cooking to do. I would like to have someone responsible to leave the baby with and someone who could help out with anything. You explain to her that she'd have a good home and be well treated if she acted right. We could advance her R.R. fare and take it out of her salary if she wished. I feel $30 would be enough to pay, for food is very expensive now and board means a lot. You talk with her and find out what she thinks. We think it might work out well.
They wake us at 6 o'clock when they bring the babies down and I'm hungry. I hear breakfast I think.
I'll be going home Monday and have a practical nurse engaged for 2 weeks, so you see, everything will be fine at home.
We had a black out last night after I started this letter. Paul had just about had time to get home.
I'll be so glad to see you, and I can't wait for you to see this little old cute baby. She cries very little (so far) and just sleeps all the time.
I'm writing flat on my back, so will close.
Write soon, and lot and lots of love,
Anna Ruth