Pfc. George Dicus
865th Chemical Co. A.O. (M&H)
AAF Fresno BTC
Fresno 2, Calif.
Sunday Night
September 5, 1943
Dearest Mother and Anna Ruth,
I am a tired boy tonight. We have been getting things together to go on the Rifle Range tomorrow today. We will be out there one week, and will have a chance to qualify. I don't expect to do so good, because I haven't had a chance to dry fire with the Co. this week. We also are getting 68 new men in the Co. tomorrow, and have been getting ready for them. They will be rookies, and I think they will be from Fort McPherson, GA (Atlanta). If they are, I may know some of them. I am still a physical Instructor, but I don't know how long I will be, because they want me to come back in the Co. to help give the new men their basic training. I think that I would like that.
I am glad that you are feeling good A.R., and that the baby is fine. What are you going to call her? I hope you are going to call her Martha. I think that is a pretty name. Gosh, but I sure would like to see her. Tell her that her Uncle George said hello, and for her to be a good girl.
I will try to write while we are on the range, but I don't think that there will be much chance. The range is 28 miles up in the hills, and we are going to have to walk back next Sunday. I will write as soon as I get back anyway. Until then, I will be thinking about you, and don't forget to write me.
Love always,
P.S. Notice change in address.