Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sqdn,
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Mr. L. H. Dicus
Box 175
Scottsboro, Alabama
March 24 1945
[NOTE: Sorry, I've gotten this one a few days out of order]
Dearest Mother, Daddy, and Anna Ruth,
Well, this has been a busy night. When I got off from work this afternoon, I went down to my tent, and really fixed up my corner, fixed up a foot locker, clothes racks, built a floor to go in my corner, and arranged my clothing and equipment. That doesn't sound like much, but sure does take a lot of time especially when you don't have much to work with. After all that, I saw two basketball games. One of them was some Enlisted men playing Officers. The Enlisted Men beat them pretty bad. The last one was really a good game. The post team played another camp, and we beat them pretty bad. They have some good teams here and I sure would have liked to play a little, but we came here a little too late in the season to get started.
Anna Ruth, I hope that you will stay there with Mother and Daddy some some time before you move. In the first place, you should have the place you should have the place fixed up all you were going to before moving. I don't think it would be very good for them to be working on the house and you living there, especially with the baby starting to run around. I sure would like to see here now. If you have some late pictures, send me a couple, will you?
We are to have a very nice service club here pretty soon. They will have coffee and doughnuts, coca cola, and ice cream. That sure sounds good, and I am very anxious for it to open. It has been a long time since I have had ice cream. There is a place some distance from here that does have it now, and one of the boys hitched over there on my last day off to get some, and they were all out. We had cokes though, and had a nice time anyway.
We have to wear our dress uniforms here to work, and it is getting pretty hot. We have wool shirts, you know, and they are not too good. If you can pick up a couple sun tan shirts for me, I sure could use them. If you can get them, send them one at a time 1st class mail, and they will get here much sooner.
If you should hear anything from Bill, be sure to let me know. I really think he will show up soon, and I sure hope so.
It is about time to call it a day, so this is it for this time. Take care of yourselves, and write often.
Love you,