Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sqdn,
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama
April 6, 1945
Dearest Mother, Daddy, and Anna Ruth,
Had good intentions to go to a dance tonight, but when we got over there, there were only a half dozen people, so we came back to write letters.
One typewriter has gone hay wire, and this one's ribbon is so bad that I doubt if you will be able to read this, but it is about the last one left tonight, so I will have to just make the best of it and hope that you can read it.
We have been working pretty hard for the past few days, but have been getting along OK. We got a new boy in the other day that has only been overseas about a month, and it has been fun to tease him about being a rookie. Of course, we are not exactly old vets, but it does seem like we have been here a long time. The other boy that works here with me is from N.J., and is one swell fellow. He has about the best sense of humor that I have ever seen, and it sure is nice to have someone across from you to look up from your work now and then and say something, and get a laugh out of it. He came over here around D-Day, and you should hear him tell about it. He lost his gun before he got off the boat, and had an awful time before he got settled down.
I wonder if you have heard something more from Bill. Be sure and let me know if you do. I am glad that Erskine completed his missions, and is coming home soon.
We have a radio here in the office, and have just heard the news. Hope that there are no more stops, and that this thing will be over pretty soon. Yep, I have seen enough of this place.
Mother, I received your Christmas card yesterday. It must have been in that bunch of mail that was lost for so long, and they finally found. It was very nice even though it was late. The knife you sent also came in. It is the very thing that I need. It seems like a good one, and I know that it is going to come in very handy.
I hope everything is OK there now, and that all of you are feeling fine. Joe is waiting for me to finish this letter, and we are going down to the tent then, so I must go.
All my love to you,