Letter No. 112 | Sunday April 15, 1945

Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sqdn,
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama

April 15, 1945

(Part 1)

Dearest Mother, Daddy, and Anna Ruth,

Another Sunday night in France. Wonder how many there will be that I will have to spend over here. As far as I am concerned, this could be the last one, but before I get home, I am afraid that I will see a few more.

You remember the Curkland boy that I came over here with, that is that I met on the boat? I saw him downtown the other night. seems as though someone from home is around most everywhere I go here.

Was very bad news to hear that the President is dead. He had been a wonderful man, and will be missed a lot. We had a formation this morning, and he was reported dead in a formal way. Of course we had heard about it long before, but that was just more or less to show respect to him.

I have just gotten back from a visit with Capt. Mercready. You know, he use to be my CO while in the Chemical Company. I think he will be here for some time now.

Got a letter from Chris today. She didn't say very much, but was anxious for us to send her a request for a package. She said that I knew she could make some candy, and why hadn't I asked her to send me something long before now. She won't have to worry any longer. I will be glad to send her a request. She said that she would send me anything that I want but not to ask for an American girl. Daddy, did she write to you while you were in China, and ask for a Chinaman? She said she was very disappointed because she didn't get him.

Until I hear from Anna Ruth, and get her address, I will just keep writing to her with your letters. Don't think she is there now, but will probably be there part of the time.

The weather has been very nice here for a long time. It is just like spring back home now. So far, we haven't had much rain, and I sure hope it doesn't start.

You ask if I would like to get the County paper. I think that I told you in my last letter that I would, but just in case that I didn't, it is nice to get even though there is not very much to it. There are several things in it that are nice to read about.

End Part 1.
