Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sqdn,
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama
April 15, 1945
(Part 2)
Dearest Mother, Daddy, and Anna Ruth,
No doubt, part of this letter will get there about a month before the other part, but just thought that I would write a little more while I am in the mood.
Martha must be some baby, but if she is like I was when her age, she must be some rascal. From what you have told me, it took all hands to keep up with me. I am sure that she must be a very sweet little girl though, and I sure would like to see her.
The pocket knife you sent did come, and it is the very thing that I need. There is always some use for it. I think without it, and my watch I would be lost.
Tell Elizabeth that I got her letter, and am going to answer it right away. I am also going to write to Aunt Ruth, and Uncle Byron soon too.
I am going to try to make the second show tonight, so will have to hurry if I get there. It is nice to have a show right in the building. You can wait until the last minute and still get there in time for the beginning.
Everything is fine here. We get plenty of food, enough work to keep us plenty busy, and have a little fun along with it now and then. I still weigh about 180 lbs. and that is a little too much, but you know me. One minute up and the next down again.
Lots of love to the nicest family,