Letter No. 13 | Sunday March 14, 1943

Army Air Forces Technical School
Seymour Johnson Field
North Carolina

Sunday night March 14, 1943

Dearest Mother and Daddy,

I have had a pretty nice day today. I went to church today, that is this morning. When we got back 3 boys and myself got our first pass and went into town. It is a small town (Goldsboro, North Carolina). I think the population is about 14 thousand. It is real nice though and has several nice bowling alleys, theaters, etc. We had a good dinner, walked around town and looked at the windows and then went to the show. After the show we walked around over the residential section and then ate supper, and caught a bus and came on back to camp. It is about nine o’clock now, so you see we made a pretty good day of it.

Still don’t know why or how long we will be here. We don’t have to go out tomorrow, so I hope they are going to tell us what is going on.

I think my pen is here. I have a slip to go to the P.O. for an insured package.

I got paid $15, but that didn’t go far. I had debts to pay up, and had to buy a lot of supplies such as shoe polish, tooth paste, and etc. After today, I think I have about $3 left. it gets away fast and I can’t see where it all goes.

I got a letter from Brooks Woodall. He is in the Air Corps, and is in Florida. He said “Battle” Bryant is at the same camp he is at.

I got five letters, and two newspapers yesterday. Boy does it make you feel good to get mail. I didn’t get any today though.

Lights are out in the Bks., so I think I will go over and hit the hay. I am in the day room now. I am a little bit tired from walking around so much.

Lots of love,