Army Air Forces Technical School
Seymour Johnson Field
North Carolina
Thursday March 18, 1943
Dear Mother and Daddy,
I don't think this will be a long letter, but I thought I would write and let you know that I am O.K. I had a tough bunch of men to work with today, and I worked so hard trying to get them straight that I worked myself down. Tow of them got smart, but when we came off the drill field they were so tired that they were dragging the ground.
We had a black out drill tonight, so it is getting pretty late now.
I got the money. Thanks a lot. I will get paid off sometime, and pay you back. I am almost broke again though.
I cut a boys hair this afternoon. I was surprised myself. I did a pretty good job even though he didn't have much hair after it was trimmed up.
I think I could become permanent party here as a drill master if I wanted to. I might have a chance for stripes quick. I haven't decided what to do yet, but I don't think I will take it. I think it would be better if I go on to school. I am pretty lucky with my job here. A lot of them are getting hard details, and I haven't had one yet
How many letters have you gotten from me? I have been writing pretty often.
I think I will go to bed now and write more later.