Co "A" AAS R132
Branch #3 Class #5
Army Administration School
Brookings, South Dakota
Tuesday May 4, 1943
Dearest Mother and Daddy,
Having tests right and left. I think I am doing O.K. on them, but it is keeping me pretty busy.
I got a letter from Anna Ruth [his sister] today, and she seemed awfully glad you are coming to see her mother.
My feet have not given me any trouble in the least since I have been in the army. I am in perfect health, and feel fine.
We get payed the last day of every month.
The pen you sent me went to the bad, so I bought a lifetime Parker. $6 for a $8.75 pen to soldiers at the P.T. I have to use it a lot, and it comes in very nice.
Putting in a picture Kitz [Pfc. Arnold R. Kitzmiller] and I had made when we got our stripes. Silly isn't it.
I am sending $5 with this letter.
I must go to work now.
My love,