Pfc. George Dicus
859th Chemical Co. A.O. (M&H)
Fresno 2, Calif.
December 6, 1943
Dearest Mother and Daddy,
I had rather take a beating that to write this letter. I had about the lowest thing pulled on me that possibly could be I think. It is bad, and I hate it, but it is done, and I am not going to worry about it. Last Saturday night I had $60, and when I woke up the boy that sleeps next to me was robbed, and several boys from different Companies lost their pocket books that night also. I won't be able to get the watch now, and I don't want one now. It is too bad that the watches were not here when I got the money, but it is over with now. It might be just as well that I didn't get the watch though, because I will be out of here sometime this week going to the Port of Embarkation Center, and they say you can't get by with a watch there.
I don't want you to worry one bit about me going across. Just remember, I am in a service group, and will not be in combat. I am very very glad to get there. I have been ready a long time. This will probably be the last time that I will say anything about this, and also the last letter I will write before I get to the POZ Center. I hope to be sent to the East, and maybe I will bet to see Anna Ruth.
I am in the office now and will be from now on.
I am in perfect shape, weigh 174, and feel fine.
We have been awfully busy fro the past day or so getting all the books closed getting ready to move out of here. I have had to work some at night. I will be glad when we get out of here.
I almost forgot to tell you. I saw Peat Cook the other night. He is stationed here, and lives real close to me. He seems to be a pretty good boy now. It is nice to meet someone close by from home anyway. By the way, someone got Pete's pocket book too.
I am all ready to go to bed, and it's getting pretty cold, so I better turn in.
Just don't worry about a thing, because everything is going to be fine.
I am going to make out an allotment when I get over there and send some money home. I don't think I will need much money there, and we get a 20% raise overseas.
I think I have the nicest family in the world, and will always love them.
P.S. You need not write me until you get my new address.