Letter No. 92 | Saturday November 25, 1944

Pvt George Dicus 34700627
Hq, 2nd Adv. Air Depot Area
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

November 25, 1944

Mrs. Paul J. Campbell
[There was no envelope. So, I'm not sure if it was mailed to NJ or AL]

Dearest Anna Ruth,

I had a nice letter started to you last night, but some of the boys came into the office when I was about half through with it, so I put it away and didn't get around to it again. I am going through with it tonight though. I wanted to write on Thanksgiving, but it is only one day past, so it doesn't make so much difference, does it?

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? I am sure that you did, and I can just see that old turkey you fixed up. We had a very nice meal ourselves. Turkey, and all the trimmings. It wasn't exactly like home, but we enjoyed it anyway. I wonder if we will all be together next Thanksgiving. If we are, let's try to be together on Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is, if I am back in the states, and here is hoping that I am.

I haven't written you since I have been transferred have I? I am in a good outfit now. It is one of the larger headquarters, and I have a good job. There is plenty of work to it, but I enjoy the work, and I think I will get something out of it, even though it is nothing more than experience. I lost my stripe over the deal, but I will get it back sometime maybe. I am in a nice office in a huge building, and it is in a nice location. The boys that I work with are about tops. We got along fine, and I think I will like it here as well if not better than 859th. One of the boys is from Tuscaloosa. He went to the University three years about the time you were there, but does not know you. He does know several boys that I knew though. We live in the same room, and work in the same department.

It will probably take years for my mail to reach me now. By the time it all gets here, my packages will be so old that they will probably be torn all to pieces. The boys that have been here all along haven't been getting mail very regularly, so I don't know what to expect really.

It has been rainy and wet here all along. About the time it looks as though we will have a nice day, it rains like you have never seen it before. I would like to take pictures if the sun ever shines long enough at one time to get a good shot.

We get one day a week off from work, and Sunday afternoon. We go to work at 8:30, and work until 5 in the afternoon. That is all unless something special comes up, and then we have to come back at night. That is not bad hours, but we are working all that time, and it passes off pretty fast to.

I have been to Paris a couple of times since I've been here. You would be surprised as to how modern it is now. It is really nice, and there are so many places to see, and things to do. I am going back again soon, and try to take some pictures of the nice places that I see, and send them to you.

I met a nice girl that goes to the Paris University. She is part of the French welcome committee, and nothing would do her, but that I go out to the university with her. It is very nice and I did enjoy it. Everyone was very friendly, and seems glad to show me around.

Is to be a football game in Paris soon, and I am going to see it. I have seen one game this year. It was a good game, and I enjoyed it, but I think I would rather see some other games that I can think of than them.

I hope your mail gets here soon. I hate to write when I don't have a letter to answer.

Take care of yourself, and write to me real often, and maybe one of them will slip through now and then.

I love you, 