Letter No. 130 | Monday July 16, 1945

Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sq (Signal Section)
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
July 16, 1945

Dearest Folks,

You can't say that I haven't been on the ball lately. I think this makes about 4 or 5 days on the straight that I have written to you. Pretty good huh?

I went to a dance last night. There was a good band there, and I had a very good time. Several new WACs are here now, and some of them are pretty nice girls. There was also several civilians there, and some of them were nice also. We had real live Cokes for refreshments. They have a factory in Paris that bottle them up.

It rained pretty hard last night, but I don't think it is much cooler than it was before. It must take more than rain to cool this place off when it does get hot. 

I told you about the pictures that I had made for you in the last letter didn't I? It will be about two weeks before I get them and it will probably take about a month for them to get home then, so don't loot for them too soon.

This machine is really in bad shape. It stick pretty bad, and needs cleaning also. I have just worked my typewriter over, and have it in good shape now, but one of the boys is using it now. It is one of the MC-88 Signal Typewriters. The one with all the capital letters. The only thing wrong with it is, it is pretty big, and it is very heavy on the touch.

I don't anything to write about, so I am writing like Anna Ruth did when she was in college. Remember how she always double spaced her letters?

Love always,