Letter No. 132 | Friday July 20, 1945

Cpl. George Dicus 34700627
Hq & Hq Sq (Signal Section)
IX Air Force Service Command
APO 149, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Mr. L. H. Dicus
Scottsboro, Alabama

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
July 20, 1945

Dearest Folks,

I had planned to write a V-Mail letter this time, because they say that they will come much faster this month than the regular Air Mail. I have a couple of pictures that I want to send you, so I will send a V-Mail letter next time, and then you can see if the V does come faster.

It has been very nice here for the past few days. It has cooled off, and is much nicer.

We have been pretty busy. It won't be much longer before we will be in Germany, and there is always a lot of work before and after a move.

I guess you will think this is the shortest letter you have ever received, but I have just gotten some work in the that won't wait, and I want to get these pictures out of the way before I lose them.

Love you,

[click each photo to enlarge]